Dearest You,

…Yes, you.

In two hours, the doors will gently close on this year, allowing the space for the next to ease in.

I don’t need fireworks or the pop of fizzing champagne tonight. My year doesn’t need to go out with a “bang.”

It wants to burn low to the ashes and dissolve into the crystal snow outside my window.

It wants to be a gracious host and sweetly dim the lights, letting me know it’s time to leave. It feels the story is over; it’s time for the next one to begin.

I want this next year to gently arrive like the tender elegance of fingertips tracing my palm.

I want it to feel like a graceful sway of Love beckoning me closer … alluring, enchanting.

I want to be seduced by the new year, then held in a cherished, spacious embrace.

Let’s slip into a sense of adoration.

Let’s see the divine beauty in stillness.

Let’s feel the stars kiss our hair.

Dearest you … I want to see how you write this next year of your life.

What will your chapters hold? Which lines of poetry will you sing?

How will you love?

May you be filled with an abundance of what you desire.

May you light the inner fire of your spirit.

May you be who you truly are.

…until next year…